Faced with the globalisation of freight exchanges and personal mobility, the transport sector has become a privileged vector for a range of illegal acts.
Since illegal act risk vectors vary depending on the site activity, the technological solutions must be designed and sized according to these risks and the operational constraints.
Since there are numerous types of border control, whether for the screening of persons or goods in a vehicle, a truck or a sea container, the state authorities must acquire and use the means adapted to each mission.
Security has become a vital aspect for event organisers. We have therefore dedicated some of our equipment to meet the temporary requirement for a screening checkpoint over a very short period of time.
Every department is committed to achieving this major objective and strives to set up long-term partnership relations with all Visiom Customers and Prospects.
VISIOM, a group of human size whose vocation is to protect goods and persons in the fields of transport, Justice, sensitive sites, events and border controls.
Service is VISIOM’s DNA. The primary mission of all employees is to satisfy their customers, whether in the sales action, production of the customer service or the organisation of support activities.